Groups & Institutions


  • Box Art Group

    Box Art Group

    Box Art Group is an enthusiastic group of amateur artists of all standards who meet weekly in the Village Hall. You do not need to live in Box to belong and many of our members live in the Stroud five valleys.

    The group meets each week from September to June on a Thursday afternoon from 1.45pm to 4.15pm, with a tea break at 3pm. We enjoy a variety of activities each week and our members are involved in their own work, portrait painting and still life. Contact Pete Smith for more information or view the website here:

  • Box Players

    Box Players

    Box Players is an amateur dramatic group formed in the early 1990s since which time they have put on regular performances in Box Village Hall. From musical shows to annual pantomimes from 2001 onwards. The core of the Players come from Box village but over the years has also included performers from the surrounding area – Stroud, Minchinhampton, Nailsworth and Rodborough. Rehearsals take place between January and March leading to public performances around mid-March.

    Join our entertaining live performances by getting in touch below!

  • Box village Coffee Morning

    Box village Coffee Morning

    The Box village Coffee Morning takes place every Friday morning from 10.30 to 11.30 in the committee room of the village hall. It was started by Valerie Dowling but is now run by a small group on a rota system. It is a well established part of village life and is the place to go to find out what is going on and who is doing what!

    All villagers are welcome and for 50p you can have as many cups of coffee and as many biscuits as you like and get to know your neighbours.

  • Box Gardening Club

    Box Gardening Club

    The Gardening Club supports a great tradition in Box by promoting a love of gardens and gardening. Anyone is welcome to come along to events or to join the club. We have a show, party and outings as well as regular talks on subjects to suit all levels of skill and interest and a discount on seeds.

    Annual Membership fees – £25 for a single member, £40 for family membership. Visitor £4 per talk.

  • Box Swimming Club

    Box Swimming Club

    We meet on Thursday evenings at the pool in Beaudesert Park School and the sessions run from 8.00 pm – 9.00 pm. Currently it costs £48 per person for a 13 week term, which is excellent value for a weekly swim in a pleasant environment so close to home

    This is primarily an “adult” swim designed for those who can swim adequately and who want to exercise. Email us below.

  • Rock Bands in Box, Stroud

    Rock Band

    Find yourself musically gifted or fancy some practice?

    Join our rock band on Thursday evenings at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. We welcome new members at any time. Why not come along for a jam?

    If you are interested in coming along please contact Mark below.


  • Box Village Society

    All of the inhabitants of Box, Scar Hill and Hampton Green are members of the Box Village Society. The aims of the Society are to retain the character of Box, foster interest in the care and beauty of the village and to maintain and improve amenities and facilities in Box and the surrounding area. Box is contained with a Conservation Area which itself is in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Particular attention is therefore paid to planning applications related to property development.

  • St Barnabas Church

    St Barnabas Church is near the centre of Box village and is part of the Church of England Benefice of Minchinhampton with Box and Amberley. It holds regular services, and details of these and occasional additional services are published on the Church Notice Board.

    For further details see below history of St Barnabas Church, or contact the Church Convenor Colin French below for more information.

  • Box Conservation Area

    Box Conservation Area

    Click below to see Box Conservation area. Note that the black boundary line defines “Settlement Area” as referred to in Stroud District Local Plan.

About Box Village Society

  • The Committee is consisted of nine elected members.

  • The Committee has the power to co-opt two further members.

  • The Committee shall appoint a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

  • Members of the Committee shall serve for a period of three years. (Three members to retire each year, who shall be eligible for re-election).

  • The Committee shall meet at least every three months and more frequently at the discretion of the Chairman, or when called by any two members of the Committee.

  • Candidates for election to the Committee must be proposed and seconded and names sent to the Hon Secretary, with the names of the proposer and seconder, at least 24 hours before the election which will be held at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

  • Election shall be by ballot at the AGM. Each inhabitant aged 18+ shall be eligible to vote. Voting slips will be made available before the AGM for the use of members unable to attend.

  • The Secretary shall keep a record of all Meetings and this shall be presented at each meeting.

  • The Treasurer shall keep an account of the funds of the Society and present this at the AGM.

  • The Chairman’s decision shall be final on the result of any voting and he shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.

  • No business shall be transacted at any Meetings unless five members are present.

  • An AGM shall be called by the Committee before the 31st March each year.

  • Any proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be publicly announced fourteen days before and be discussed at a General Meeting and approved or rejected by a simple majority.

The Box Village Society Annual General Meeting is held in Box Village Hall in March each year.

About St Barnabas Church

Box Mission Church was built in 1880 for use as an infant school. It was made of corrugated iron and was very hot during the summer and freezing cold in winter. From 1918 it was used by the Church for Sunday School and for weekly evensongs on Sunday evenings. There was no altar in the church and no celebration of Holy Communion. The music was played on an old harmonium. During the week it was used for social functions such as concerts, whist drives, parties, etc. At this time the church faced west. 

In 1928, The Reverend Rex Hodson became Rector of Minchinhampton and took a great interest in the Church life at Box. He started Holy Communion celebrations using his own portable altar which he had used when in the Navy. This aroused great interest in the community and donations were given in the way of a small altar, embroidered altar hangings, cross and candle sticks and a piano to replace the harmonium.

Financial donations enabled a small sanctuary to be built on to the existing Church  in 1931 and it was then that the Church was turned to face east. The Church flourished with a Sunday School of 40, a children’s choir and packed congregations.

In 1937, because of the deterioration of the roof, it was decided to save up funds for a permanent stone Church for Box. Fund raising events were started to raise the estimated £1000 – £2000 necessary. Then came the war and building plans were put to one side, but fund raising carried on and the Church life continued with many evacuees becoming involved.

In 1945 meetings were held again and new plans prepared for a Cotswold Stone building, now estimated at £4000. In October 1951 The Rector, Canon Rex Hodson sat in Church for a Gift Day  which resulted in enough money for building operations to begin. By 8th December 1951 sufficient building had been completed  to enable the foundation stone to be laid and the then Bishop of Gloucester, The Rt Reverend Clifford Salisbury, came to lay it in gale force winds and lashing rain!

By 24th October 1952 the Church was complete and ready for Dedication by Bishop Woodward. Canon Hodson, however, was not content with simply a Dedication, and the next Bishop of Gloucester, Bishop Askwith, agreed to a full Consecration which took place on 21st June 1958 with a full sung Mass.

Box, in common with villages up and down the country, has seen many changes in the past 50 years. St Barnabas Church continues to hold a weekday Communion Service on Wednesday morning at 8.00 am and a Sunday service of Holy Communion with hymns at 9.00 am. We are indebted to all those who over the past years and in the present day have given and continue to give of their time, their talents and their financial support to ensure the Church building will remain solid for future generations and its worship to continue to the praise and glory of God.

Taken from “A History of St Barnabas” by Alcie Daniels.

“Box Gardening Club has taught me so much about gardening and I’m thoroughly enjoying the trips!”

Neighbourhood Watch is a community programme focussed on reducing crime and improving safety within the neighbourhood. Residents work collaboratively with local law enforcement to monitor and report suspicious activities, creating a safer environment for those in the surrounding areas. To Contact Neighbourhood Watch, please click the link: